October 05, 2007

It's been a good week

Oh my, what a week. I feel like I've recovered my feature writer mojo in a series of quickly belted out little gems about a winemaker and a bro'Town personality, and the coming together of a lot of interviews and research into a beautiful piece of work on nuns. The nun story is the best piece of work I've done this year I reckon, something I've been wanting to do for a long time but had assignments to do instead. There's been controversy about the whole pregnant/drinking thing, and something to look forward to in the shape of interviewing Mr Palin. I also got some lovely smocks in the mail from Melissa to accommodate Tiny and this weekend I'm heading down to Christchurch with Sweeney for some time with the grandparents. I'm most of the way through the snowman on Sween's christmas stocking which is the most tricky adn yet boring part of the pattern, and I've felt more motivated and worked harder this week than I have for months. Hurrah! Here's hoping it lasts a little longer ...


Joanna said...

Hurray for having a good week! Mine got so much better too, hurrah!

kimberlee said...

glad you are having a great week.

my thoughts have turned to you a lot lately because someone named 'swney' is running for mayor and has campaign ads up all over auckland. Everytime i see them I think of your nephew sweeney:) then I think about sweeney running for mayor, it makes me smiley.


Anonymous said...

have a nice break away. i can't wait to hear how it goes with mr palin. :)