June 16, 2008

Is there anyone out there who isn't pregnant?

It seemed to me last year that every second person was carrying a fat load also known as a baby, but this year pregnancy is the new black. Everyone's doing it. First there's the magnificent Maggie McMountain who is due any day now. Then there's Harper's aunty Elizabeth who is due in November, my crafty pal Dairne who is a sublime knitter and crocheter and will have the warmest baby ever. Of course, Ms Harland is up the duff, but she's done this twice before. Today I just heard that my old school chum Lisa is 12 weeks pregnant and I can't stop smiling about it. Her and Tom are going to be awesome, awesome parents.
This wave of new mothers makes me instantly want to give advice so they can avoid some of the pitfalls I've been through. But I'm not sure I actually have any advice to give. I know what works and doesn't work for us, sometimes Harper is an absolute mystery to me and I can't figure out what to do with him. I read too many books and the conflicting advice jangles in my head. I did have an epiphany one day listening to an interview on National Radio with a woman who was born by the side of the road in Zimbabwe who now works with Aids orphans, that Harper is going to be a-ok even if he doesn't wear organic cotton from birth or if I don't have him reciting numbers in Mandarin before he goes to school.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it appears only us silly people who are actually tryyyyying to have a baby aren't succeeding.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure they don't let kids into school if they're not reciting numbers in foreign languages (and of course having skin that has been soaking up non-organic vibes is definitely frowned upon). We're stuffed, I can't even get Aesop to EAT mandarin, let alone speak it! And I am yet to find any organic tops with super heroes on them, so my chances of getting them onto Aesop these days would be pretty darn slim!

feistyurchin said...

I'm not pregnant! Yay!! But I think we are totally experiencing a baby boom. I know of 12 new babies in my circle in the last year alone. It's scary!

Mel Archer said...

Any advice would be truly welcomed actually...:) - I hear what you're saying about EVERYONE being pregnant - I think you must have started a trend....

Bramwell said...

I'm finding fact that a baby boom is happening at the same time as a serious global food shortage quite disturbing.

Nomadic Emma said...

I most certainly am not. Far too selfish for any of that carry on. That and the fact that immaculate conception is obviously just a myth.

Ange said...

thank god for more babies! I can offload the stockpile of booties I knitted back last year ...

Mel Archer said...

Hey thanks for the purelan tip - will stock up in preparation ;) - am trying to do the ol' 'go with what feels right for us' so that is good advice too :) it feels nice to be fashionable for once...

Nicki Natter said...

Aint that the truth!!!
Sometimes I get a little scared about the way the world is developing into something I am not proud of, but I have to stay positive and teach her resilience and strong values and let her make her own decisions...not yet though otherwise she would eat all the paper in the house and never have her nappy changed!

Anonymous said...

God I suddenly feel rather common!