June 15, 2010

I am TV

Some of you may know, as well as writing amazing stories for a certain newspaper, I also edit that paper's TV supplement. So I've been reading about and watching a lot of telly lately. And after reading Helen's blog today on what her TV station would screen, thought I'd copy her idea.
If I ran TV, there would be no ads, and I would show these programmes on high rotation:
* Twin Peaks - got me through my first wisdom tooth extraction. I spent many happy hours on the couch high on painkillers watching the Coop, my chipmunk-shaped face safely hidden from public view.
* Band of Brothers - who doesn't love Withers and Nix?
* Lost - I could easily watch a season on DVD in one sitting. It's low brow high brow.
* Survivor - yes, I'm that lame.
* Six Feet Under - Best. Finale. Ever.
* River Cottage - Hugh could be making pikelets out of sawdust and fossilised pig snouts and I'd think it was amazing, inspiring telly.
* The Sopranos - bada bing, bdad boom. I won't tell you how it ends because I, like everyone else, don't know.


Unknown said...

i totally agree with you on Six Feet Under.

Never have I watched a finale showing the characters finished.

Helen said...

Oh Yes to Twin Peaks, Six Feet Under and River Cottage - How could I have left off cooking shows!!