If you want to buy tickets, let me know - if you're in Wellington we can meet on a dodgy street corner somewhere. If you're not in Wellington, we'll sort something out. Yes, even you Aucklanders can get a slice of this action.
There are other ways to help us reach our goal - if you buy something through the Oxfam Unwrapped website and quote our team number OTW07_413 (Mortimer Terrace Posse) we get a $20 credit to our fundraising total. Also, if you want to set up a regular donation to Oxfam and quote our team number we can a whopping $250 credit. Or if you are completely nuts and want to get black toenails for a laugh, you could sign up to next year's Trailwalker, quote our team number and we get a $250 credit.
We have until June 15 to raise the remaining $2000, and if we don't, I imagine Oxfam will be sending the boys round to knee-cap us all.
Hey, I am most keen to get some tickets from the Auckland end of things!!! Thanks for your great comment, it's so nice to get long comments - I appreciate you reading my post.
Journo wise... I am working for a show called Attitude it screens on TVNZ and is for and about people with a disability. I have been getting offers from tv3 and tvnz recently - but am quite keen to see out my contract with Attitude. At the moment I am doing research and directing... I want to get into foreign correspondent type work... it's a bit of a tall order but hey, you've got to have dreams.
the poster looks great- i'll peddle tickets at the saturday market here for ya.
would it look bad if I won? hehe.
How about we meet in a dark cafe somewhere and I can get tickets off you, give you zines (crap, I really must get going on finishing one!) and buy tickets?
email me kates@actrix.co.nz to let me know how I can get tickets.
I admire what you do! Ur blog is the greatest, plently of good old sayings.
We have had differences but you are always Flo to me.
Sophie Lardon
2nd June Tok Cub?
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